Drug costs in context: assessing drug costs in cost-of-illness analyses

T Joseph Mattingly II, Shannon Weathers

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This article aims to provide contextual information for a general audience interested in conducting or evaluating cost-of-illness studies that may include drug costs and to describe key factors to consider when reviewing drug costs in the peer-reviewed literature.

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Overcoming hurdles: measurement of health-related outcomes associated with national level medicines usage in Ireland

Gary L O’Brien BPharm, MPharm, Muireann McAlister BSc Pharmacy, Stephen Byrne BSc Pharmacy, PhD, James Gallagher BPharm, MPharm, PhD

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This editorial provides an overview of the evolving healthcare landscape surrounding medicine usage estimation and valuation in Ireland and offers recommendations on how improved methods of measuring health-related outcomes may help ameliorate efficiencies and the sustainability of a healthcare system.

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Considerations for the US health-system pharmacist in a world of biosimilars

Andrea Zlatkus CRHC, Todd Bixby RPh, Kavitha Goyal MD

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This editorial article provides an overview of the evolving healthcare landscape shaped by the entry of multiple biosimilars, including for a given reference product, and their impact on the healthsystem pharmacist with respect to formulary assessment, implementation, and education of various health-system stakeholders, including patients.

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