High-dose amphotericin: yay or nay? A case series and literature review

Kayla R Stover, Taylor E Jordan, Jamie L Wagner, Katie E Barber

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This case series and literature review characterizes high-dose lipid formulation amphotericin B use and describes the therapeutic effects of high-dose lipid formulations of amphotericin B on patients at one institution and in the literature.

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Pharmaceutical, clinical, and resistance information on doravirine, a novel non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor for the treatment of HIV-1 infection

Hanh Thi Pham PhD, Meng A Xiao BSc, Miguel AV Principe BSc, Alexander Wong MD, Thibault Mesplède PhD

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This review summarizes chemical, pharmacological, and clinical information about doravirine with an emphasis on drug resistance. The efficacy results from an early phase clinical trial evaluating doravirine in combination with islatravir are also provided.

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