
Cutaneous side effects of molecularly targeted therapies for the treatment of solid tumors

Daniel I G Cubero MD, PhD, Beatrice Martinez Zugaib Abdalla MD, Jean Schoueri, Fabio Iazetti Lopes, Karine Corcione Turke, Jose Guzman MD, Auro Del Giglio MD, PhD, Carlos D’Apparecida Santos Machado Filho MD, PhD, Vanessa Salzano MD, Dolores Gonzalez Fabra MD

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This article reviews the cutaneous side effects of main molecularly targeted cancer therapies for solid tumors.

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Febrile seizures: an overview

Alexander KC Leung MBBS, FRCPC, FRCP (UK and Irel), FRCPCH, FAAP, Kam Lun Hon MD, FAAP, FCCM, Theresa NH Leung MBBS, FRCPCH, FHKAM (Paed)

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This review provides an update on the current understanding, evaluation, and management of febrile seizures.

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Regorafenib in hepatocellular carcinoma: latest evidence and clinical implications

Nicola Personeni MD, Tiziana Pressiani MD, Armando Santoro MD, Lorenza Rimassa MD

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Over the past ten years, sorafenib has been the only systemic agent approved for first-line treatment of patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in a second-line setting, most investigational drugs have failed to provide better survival outcomes than placebo. However, in 2016, data from the RESORCE trial, a phase 3 study evaluating regorafenib in HCC patients who experience disease progression after first-line treatment with sorafenib, have shown a 2.8-month median survival benefit over placebo (10.6 versus 7.8 months).

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