Article Type
Original Research
This article presents a descriptive analysis of theClinical Research Unit (CRU) at the Rheumatology Department in the University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe (RD-UPH La Fe), Valencia (Spain), as well as an estimation of the economic impact of conducting clinical trials for the Spanish Health System in terms of avoided costs.
Original Research
This retrospective study aimed to review outcomes in patients with non-curable cutaneous squamous cell cancers treated with platinum-based chemotherapy and cetuximab.
The authors wish to make corrections to their article: Nicola S, Rolla G, Brussino L. Breakthroughs in hereditary angioedema management: a systematic review of approved drugs and those under research. Drugs in Context 2019; 8: 212605. DOI: 10.7573/dic.212605
Case Report
This case study covers a patient who received dabrafenib and trametinib and developed vitiligo-like depigmentation after treatment cessation.