
The race to a COVID-19 vaccine: opportunities and challenges in development and distribution

Rodrigo M Burgos, Melissa E Badowski, Emily Drwiega, Samaneh Ghassemi, Nikki Griffith, Fischer Herald, Mikayla Johnson, Renata O Smith, Sarah M Michienzi

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This article discusses the unprecedented toll of COVID-19 and how it jumpstarted the race towards potential COVID-19 vaccinations, which have been developed in less than a year. It discusses how this feat was accomplished, and how clinical development, manufacturing scale-up and distribution are occurring in parallel for the four COVID-19 vaccine front-runners. It also discusses the many challenges that still lie ahead.

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Current treatment in COVID-19 disease: a rapid review

Miguel Rodriguez-Guerra, Preeti Jadhav, Timothy J Vittorio

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This review aims to assess the efficacy and safety of available therapies for COVID-19 in light of current evidence. These treatment options are compared based on their impact on symptom management, inpatient length of stay, and overall morbidity and mortality.

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Corrigendum: Cost per response analysis of repository corticotropin injection versus other alternative treatments for acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis

George J Wan PhD, Ishveen Chopra PhD, John Niewoehner PharmD, Samuel F Hunter MD, PhD

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The authors wish to make the following corrections to their article: Wan GJ, Chopra I, Niewoehner J, Hunter SF. Cost per response analysis of repository corticotropin injection versus other alternative treatments for acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. Drugs in Context 2020; 9: 2020-9-4. DOI: 10.7573/dic.2020-9-4

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