Corrigendum: The effect of azoximer bromide (Polyoxidonium®) in patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease (COVID-19): an open-label, multicentre, interventional clinical study

Sergey V Efimov, Natallia V Matsiyeuskaya, Olga V Boytsova, Lyudmila Yu Akhieva, Elena I Kvasova, Francisco Harrison, Yulia S Karpova, Anton Tikhonov, Nadezhda F Khomyakova, Tim Hardman, Jean-François Rossi

The authors wish to make the following corrections to their article:

Efimov SV, Matsiyeuskaya NV, Boytsova OV, et al. Corrigendum: The effect of azoximer bromide (Polyoxidonium®) in patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease (COVID-19): an open-label, multicentre, interventional clinical study. Drugs in Context 2021; 10: 2021-11-1. DOI: 10.7573/dic.2020-11-1

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