Review of the experiences from the first childhood influenza vaccination programme with a live attenuated influenza vaccine in England and Scotland

George Kassianos, Sharon White, Arlene J Reynolds, Sankarasubramanian Rajaram

Article Type

Case Report


In 2012, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recommended that the UK National Immunisation Programme for influenza be extended to include healthy children/adolescents aged 2–17 years. The extension of this new immunisation programme began in 2013–2014 and targeted children aged 2–3 years in primary care. This article describes the processes utilised in England and Scotland for programme setup, workforce management, identification and care of contraindicated patients, collection of data on vaccine uptake, communication strategies, and education of parents and children. In light of the lessons learnt from these pilot programmes, the authors make recommendations and offer practical advice to help ensure effective preparation and management of new childhood influenza vaccination programmes in other countries.

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Cachexia & debility diagnoses in hospitalized children and adolescents with complex chronic conditions: evidence from the Kids’ Inpatient Database

Bryce A Van Doren, Debosree Roy, Joshua M Noone, Christopher M Blanchette, Susan T Arthur

Article Type

Original Research


In this original research article, the authors aimed to characterize the frequency, cost, and hospital reported outcomes of cachexia and debility in children and adolescents with complex chronic conditions (CCCs).

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Safety and pharmacokinetics of extended use of palivizumab in Saudi Arabian infants and children

Saleh al-Alaiyan, Paul Pollack, Gerard F Notario

Article Type

Case Report


The peak season of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in warmer climates may extend beyond the typical five-month RSV season of temperate regions. This study aimed to assess the safety, immunogenicity, and pharmacokinetics of an extended seven-dose regimen of palivizumab in children at high risk for serious infection by the RSV.

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Pharmacological treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: functional outcomes in children and adolescents from non-Western countries

Murat Altin, Ahmed A El-Shafei, Maria Yu, Durisala Desaiah, Tamas Treuer, Nikolay Zavadenko, Hong Yun Gao

Article Type

Original Research


This prospective, observational, non-interventional study conducted in six non-Western countries concludes that after 12 months of treatment, clinical and functional outcomes were improved in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who initiated and remained on their prescribed pharmacological monotherapy.

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