Key policy and programmatic factors to improve influenza vaccination rates based on the experience from four high-performing countries

George Kassianos MD, Ashis Banerjee MD, Florence Baron-Papillon MD, Alan W Hampson MD, Janet E McElhaney MD, Allison McGeer MD, Thierry Rigoine de Fougerolles MSc, Mitch Rothholz MD, Holly Seale MD, Litjen J Tan MD, Angus Thomson PhD, Olivier Vitoux MSc

Article Type



The aim of this analysis was to identify factors that have been instrumental in achieving a high influenza vaccine coverage rate (VCR) in the scope of four benchmark countries in order to provide an organised list of factors that could be used by countries with lower VCRs to help improve and strengthen their own VCRs.

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Sustained virological response in patients with HCV treated with daclatasvir plus sofosbuvir, with or without ribavirin: a large, field-practice study

Rodolfo Sacco MD, PhD, Vincenzo Messina MD, Umberto Vespasiani Gentilucci MD, Luigi Elio Adinolfi MD, Antonio Ascione MD, Giorgio Barbarini MD, Angelo Barlattani MD, Giuseppe Cariti MD, Raffaele Cozzolongo MD, Basilio Fimiani MD, Ruggiero Francavilla MD, Caterina Furlan MD, Giovanni Garrucciu MD, Vincenzo Iovinella MD, Luca Rinaldi MD, Massimo Marignani MD, Paola Begini MD, Valeria Pace Palitti MD, Adriano M Pellicelli MD, Gaetano Scifo MD, Antonio Facciorusso MD, Luca Giacomelli PhD, Aashni Shah BSc, Gaetano Bertino MD, Serena Perazzo MD, Giampaolo Bresci MD, Antonio Izzi MD

Article Type

Original Research


The aim of this retrospective, multicenter, field-practice study was to investigate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of the oral combination of daclatasvir and sofosbuvir, with or without ribavirin, in a large unselected cohort of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection.

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Acute bacterial sinusitis in children: an updated review

Alexander KC Leung MBBS, FRCPC, FRCP (UK and Irel), FRCPCH, FAAP, Kam Lun Hon MD, FAAP, FCCM, Winnie CW Chu MD, FRCR

Article Type



This article is an updated narrative review on the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of acute bacterial sinusitis.

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Potential risk of drug–drug interactions with hormonal contraceptives and antiretrovirals: prevalence in women living with HIV

Milena M Murray PharmD, MSc, Ashley Jensen PharmD, Thomas Cieslik PharmD Candidate, Susan E Cohn MD, MPH

Article Type

Original Research


The objectives of this study were to assess antiretroviral therapy and hormonal contraceptive use among women living with HIV and quantify the frequency of potential drug–drug interactions between antiretroviral therapy and hormonal contraceptives.

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Use of biologic agents and risk of tuberculosis in Brazil, a tuberculosis high-burden country

Fernanda Gomes Gonçalves Chaer MD, Juliana Miranda de Lucena Valim MD, Rogério Castro Reis MD, Giselle Burlamaqui Klautau PhD, Branca Dias Batista de Souza MSc

Article Type

Original Research


This study evaluated the frequency of tuberculosis infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis after the use of biologic agents in a single center of rheumatology.

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