Descriptive study of a clinical and educational telemedicine intervention in patients with diabetes receiving glargine 300U/ml (Toujeo) in Spain: results of the T-Coach programme

Virginia Bellido, Cristóbal Morales, Araceli Muñoz Garach, José Manuel García Almeida, Juan Luis Fernández Morera, Beatriz González Aguilera, Martín López de la Torre, Diego Bellido

Article Type

Original Research


This article analyzes the data collected from the T-Coach patient support programme and evaluates the effect of the programme in terms of treatment satisfaction, adherence and effect on disease knowledge. 6-month results are present here.

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Corrigendum: Diabetes: how to manage chronic kidney disease

Jennifer N Clements

Article Type



The authors wish to make the following corrections to their article: Clements JN. Diabetes: how to manage chronic kidney disease. Drugs Context. 2022;11:2021-9-10.

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Diabetes: how to manage chronic kidney disease

Jennifer N Clements

Article Type



This narrative review provides the most up-to-date information regarding existing and new pharmacotherapy for the management of chronic kidney disease amongst people with diabetes, specifically type 2 diabetes.

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Diabetes: how to manage overweight and obesity in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Megan Wesling, Jennifer J D’Souza

Article Type



With the prevalence of type 2 diabetes increasing, this article discusses how it is essential that healthcare professionals assess how their patients’ current diabetes treatment is being managed to avoid further weight gain in those who are already overweight or obese.

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