Current perspectives on the use of statins in the treatment of dyslipidaemic patients: focus on pitavastatin

Lale Tokgözoglu MD, José Luis Zamorano MD

Article Type

Meeting Report


A meeting entitled ‘Current Perspective on the Use of Statins in the Treatment of Dyslipidemic Patients’ was held in Stresa, Italy, on 27–28th June 2019. This meeting report summarizes the main messages of the discussion with a special focus on pitavastatin, whose main features in different settings are described.

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Nail enthesis ultrasound and automated software-guided assessment of bilateral common carotid intima–media thickness in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: is there a correlation with clinical and laboratory findings?

José Alexandre Mendonça PhD, Lucas Nogueira Pansani MD, Mateus Basso Mimoto MD, Igor Tadeu Garcia Ferreira MD, Fernanda Bertucci Sanches MD, Thais de Campos Ferreira Pinto MD, Vania Aparecida Leandro-Merhi PhD, José Luis Braga de Aquino PhD

Article Type

Original Research


The objective of this study was to detect and correlate the changes that indicate the inflammatory and atherosclerotic process in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis patients, using nail ultrasound and carotid artery intima–media thickness radiofrequency software.

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DAPA-HF trial: dapagliflozin evolves from a glucose-lowering agent to a therapy for heart failure

Edgardo Kaplinsky MD

Article Type



This review describes the results of the DAPA-HF (Dapagliflozin and Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in Heart Failure) trial and the recently published Dapagliflozin Effects on Biomarkers, Symptoms, and Functional Status in Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction (DEFINE-HF) trial. In addition, the thought-to-be mechanisms of action of SGLT2 inhibitors beyond their known glucose-lowering effects.

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