Dabigatran, the oral anticoagulant of choice at discharge in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and COVID-19 infection: the ANIBAL* protocol

Teodoro Iturbe-Hernandez MD, Luis García de Guadiana Romualdo MD, Ignacio Gil Ortega MD, Antonio Martínez Francés MD, Olga Meca Birlanga MD, Juan José Cerezo-Manchado MD

Article Type

Original Research


In this review, the available information on the antithrombotic management of atrial fibrillation patients at discharge after COVID-19 infection is updated. In addition, a practical algorithm, considering renal and liver function, which facilitates the anticoagulation choice at discharge is presented.

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Bempedoic acid for the treatment of dyslipidemia

Joel C Marrs PharmD, MPH, Sarah L Anderson PharmD

Article Type



This narrative review aims to present and discuss the current evidence regarding the use of bempedoic acid for low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol lowering in patients with dyslipidemia and its potential role as an agent to lower cardiovascular events.

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The impact of antidepressants on depressive symptom severity, quality of life, morbidity, and mortality in heart failure: a systematic review

Rebecca Hedrick MD, Samuel Korouri BA, Emile Tadros BS, Tarneem Darwish MD, Veronica Cortez RN, OD, Desiree Triay RN, Mia Pasini RN, MSN, Linda Olanisa LCSW, Nathalie Herrera MD, Sophia Hanna BA, MA, Asher Kimchi MD, Michele Hamilton MD, Itai Danovitch MD, MBA, Waguih William IsHak MD, FAPA

Article Type

Original Research


This article reviews the literature on the impact of antidepressants on depressive symptom severity, quality of life, morbidity, and mortality in patients with heart failure.

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Kawasaki disease in siblings and a review of drug treatment

Steven King-fan Loo MBChB, FRCP, Kam Lun Hon MBBS, MD, FAAP, FCCM, Alexander KC Leung MBBS, FRCPC, FRCP (UK & Irel), FRCPCH, FAAP, Tak Cheung Yung MBBS, MRCPCH, Man Ching Yam MBChB, MRCPCH

Article Type

Case Report


This article describes the management of two siblings with KD
followed by a short review.

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Reducing residual thrombotic risk in patients with peripheral artery disease: impact of the COMPASS trial

José Luis Hernández MD, PhD, Francisco S Lozano MD, PhD, Vincent Riambau MD, PhD, Manuel Almendro-Delia MD, PhD, Juan Cosín-Sales MD, PhD, Sergi Bellmunt-Montoya MD, PhD, Javier Garcia-Alegria MD, PhD, Xavier Garcia-Moll MD, FESC, FACC, Juan José Gomez-Doblas MD, PhD, José R Gonzalez-Juanatey MD, PhD, Carmen Suarez Fernández MD

Article Type



In this narrative review, data about how to reduce residual risk through the best antithrombotic
approach among patients with peripheral artery disease, with a particular focus
on the COMPASS trial, are updated in order to provide some
practical recommendations about its use in this population.

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