Optimizing glycemic control and minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes

Stanley S Schwartz

Article Type

Case Report


In this article the author argues that in type 2 diabetes, an approach that emphasizes diet and exercise and features a treatment regimen tailored to the needs of the individual to reach glycemic targets is warranted in most patients and provides microvascular and cardiovascular benefit, provided that hypoglycemia is avoided.

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Antithrombotic alternatives for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: critical differences and remaining questions

James S Kalus

Article Type

Case Report


Apixaban, dabigatran and rivaroxaban all have advantages over warfarin for stroke prophylaxis in patients with atrial fibrillation. In this article the author discusses the effect of organ dysfunction on drug disposition, drug–drug interaction potential, and other patient-centered factors to consider when selecting the right antithrombotic therapy for the patient.

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Hemodynamic effect of avanafil and glyceryl trinitrate coadministration

Dennis Swearingen, Ajay Nehra, Susie Morelos and Craig A Peterson

Article Type

Original Research


In this study, investigators examined the magnitude and duration of the interactions (when coadministered with glyceryl trinitrate) of the latest phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor avanafil on systolic blood pressure and heart rate compared with sildenafil and placebo.

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Cardiovascular consequences of obesity: how will the UK cope?

Henry Purcell

Article Type

Case Report


It is estimated that by 2050, the majority of Britain’s population will be obese. In this article, Dr Henry Purcell discusses the cardiovascular consequences of obesity and what needs to be done to equip healthcare professionals with the tools and training to help prevent and treat weight-related diseases.

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